Jekyll X GitHub Setup!

1 minute read

Create your first Jekyll GitHub page

  1. Install Jekyll and create a Jekyll project
  2. Create a git repository on your GitHub account
  3. Go to the project root on your local computer
     git init
     git add remote origin your_git_repo.git  
  4. Change the baseurl and url in _config.yml file which is under your project root
     baseurl: "/myblog" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog  
     url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.  
  5. Push all the things to your repository
  6. Go to the setting of your GitHub repo github_setting
  7. Change the source of GitHub Pages to master branch github_pages
  8. Wait for a minute and your first Jekyll site is built!


  • Don’t change the theme directly in GitHub setting
  • The date of the post you have created should not be the future date, otherwise it will skip your post when built
  • Add image should add your website url to your path, you may check the path of the image above

Change your Jekyll Github page theme

I suggest to use Minimal Mistakes. The following tutorial is talking about how to change the theme in your Github page but not in local. If you want to test in your local computer, you may read the documents of Minimal Mistakes

  1. Uncommnet this line in ./Gemfile
    gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
  2. Add gem "jekyll-remote-theme" to the jekyll_plugins in ./Gemfile
    group :jekyll_plugins do
     gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.12"
     gem "jekyll-remote-theme"
  3. Replace the current theme to remote-theme in ./_config.yml
    theme: minima


    remote_theme: "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes@4.19.2"
  4. Add jekyll-remote-theme and jekyll-include-cache plugins in ./_config.yml s ``` yml plugins:
    • jekyll-feed
    • jekyll-remote-theme
    • jekyll-include-cache ```
  5. In your posts yy-mm-dd-post-title.markdown, remove the YAML Front Matter layout: post
     title:  "Post title"
  6. Add the followings in _config.yml, so that you don’t have to add the posts layout in every post, same for the other type of layout.
         # _posts
         - scope:
             path: ""
             type: posts
             layout: single
             read_time: true
             comments: true
             share: true
             related: true
             toc: true
             toc_sticky: true
  7. Push your changes to your Github project and see the changes!
